Nic Pendlebury & Alex Groves

Sunday, 23/06/24

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Do we follow a well-trodden route or carve out our own? Are we led by our experience or our intuition? Paths may guide us, but it’s our choices that determine where we go.


(led by the heart) my feet will follow is a sonic exploration of landscapes both real and imagined. Composer Alex Groves has worked closely with viola player Nic Pendlebury to create a score of forking paths, shortcuts and long ways home. Navigated in real time, the piece takes on a different character with each performance as spur of the moment decisions alter its trajectory.


Performed on an electric viola, the music is captured, manipulated and replayed live, creating an expansive electronic score that responds to the path that Nic chooses. As it progresses, new terrain emerges alongside familiar landmarks, and high peaks give way to sunken valleys. It’s a journey of sorts, a chance to find your way, and a provocation to open yourself to new directions.


Supported by Britten Pears Arts and funded by Trinity Laban. Photo credit: Grouped Images