Staying safe at First Light Festival

It’s important that everyone has a fun and safe experience at First Light, so we have put together some useful advice to support you and your family during your visit.


If you are attending the festival with children and young people, make the Lost Kids Hub in the Cosmic Pirates Zone your first stop. Say ‘Hi’ and meet the staff from the East Suffolk Communities team, help your child feel comfortable to approach them as a safe adult if they need to.

They can also give you a wristband with space for parent or guardians contact details, which children should wear whilst at the festival. This wristband can help us should you become separated with helping to reunite you.

Choose a meeting point

It is a good idea to agree an obvious meeting point should you become separated. The Lost Kids Hub is a great spot. The hub is run by DBS checked staff from the East Suffolk Communities team who can make sure your child feels safe.

Be very clear if you are arranging meeting places with older children. Visit it first together so you know exactly where to meet.

Teens and Young Adults

First Light can be an exciting first festival experience for young people, however we come across teens and young adults who are becoming vulnerable due to drink and drugs. We have put together some useful tips for parents and young people to help them stay safe and avoid any regrets the day after.

Look after each other – make sure that friends get home safely at night and do not let anyone leave on their own

Share contact details – The beach has very poor phone signal when it’s busy and you might run out of battery. Share contact numbers with your friends and parents so you have it in an emergency, and head for the upper promenade for signal.

Make sure you have plenty of food and water throughout the day to stay refreshed and hydrated

Be drink and drug aware – the choices you make when intoxicated may not be as good as when you are sober.

Don’t accept drinks from strangers. Don’t leave your drink unattended. Even soft drinks can be spiked. Change Grow Live will be present to provide anti spiking devices, talks on how to recognise drink spiking and drink safety messages.

Inform a member of festival staff immediately if you need help or see some else who might. Remember they are there to help you and keep everyone safe.

Bring any medication with you and remember to take it as prescribed. If you are on medication for a mental health condition, be mindful of how this could interact with alcohol and other drugs; try to be open with your friends and let them know if you are struggling or need help.

If you need medical attention, make your way to one of the first aid tents. Medics are more able to treat you in their own area where they have equipment and supplies.

Ask any member of staff for help at any time. We’re here to look after you, not judge you.

Parents – Talk to your teens about alcohol and drugs and ask them if they intend to do these at the festival. Even if they aren’t honest with you, you can explain how they can stay safe, what you consider is a safe amount to drink. Make sure they know the location of the safe spaces and first aid tent where specialist people can help them if they are in need.

If you are over 18, it’s illegal to buy alcohol for anyone under 18. We will challenge anyone who appears under the age of 25 to provide age identification (valid photo ID).

Lost Children

If you become separated from your child or young person, go straight to the Lost Kids Hub in the Cosmic Pirates Zone. We have trained staff and procedures to help find them.

If you can’t find it or it is a long walk find a steward or security person who will radio to speak to the hub and initiate our procedure.

Do not look for them yourself, stay with the lost child team till you are reunited. You will want to help find your child, but please stay in one place – with phone signals unreliable and a big open site, it is better for us to do the looking as we have radios! We have hundreds of professionals working on site who will all be on alert to find your child.

When we find your child, we need you to be there for them.

We have very robust Lost Children policies in place and work closely with the Police and local Social Services.

Handy tips

Over the weekend point out ‘SAFE ADULTS’ – stewards, security, first aid, volunteers and police. Say ‘Hi’ to them too, show your child/ young person they are approachable.

Do not leave your children in the kids area unattended. We love to offer family activities but we are not a babysitting service. Stay together! I

Put your phone on VIBRATE and NEAR YOUR SKIN

and finally have fun! We have loads of activities for children and young people to enjoy – they’re going to have the best time!