Community Catwalk

Saturday 22/06/2024 16:00 – 16:30

Sunday 23/06/2024 14:30 – 15:00

Charity Super.MKT – Planet Positive



Come and see the fabulous work of the NUA MA Textile students and tutors as they create the Community Catwalk.

Want to add some glittery magic to a tired but well loved piece?

Visit the Norwich University of Arts crew in Charity Super.MKT as the MA Textiles students advise and give a masterclass on how you can upcycle your pieces.


While you’re there you can shop with our charities who are bringing a curated selection of their best clobber.


Charity shops are the biggest circular, sustainable retailer on the British high street, doing really impactful things with their profits. Shopping at our Charity Super.MKT ensures that every pound you spend is a ‘good pound’, with your money going towards a range of brilliant causes. By shopping with us you’ll actively reduce carbon emissions, avoiding new production and supply chains through buying only second-hand fashion. In partnership with Charity Super.Mkt, Norwich University of Arts – MA Textiles,


With support from Original Projects